Join us for a community Meal

Through your generous support and the dedicated efforts of our staff and volunteers, we prepare and distribute over 0 nourishing meals each week to those in need within the Whalley Community.

Community Meals at Surrey Welcome Hub

Surrey Urban Mission Society provides over 5,000 meals per week to community members in need. We have meals hosted at the Surrey Welcome Hub, open to community members, and three meals a day for our shelter guests.

The food used to create these meals is made possible by our community partners and generous donors. Meals are often hosted by volunteers, church groups, and other community organizations, and guests receive these meals free of charge.

Please apply here if you or your group would like to volunteer your time and resources to be apart of a breakfast, lunch, or dinner service.

All members of the community are welcome to join us for meals!

Meal Times:

  • Breakfast: 8:00 AM
  • Lunch: 12:00 PM
  • Sunday Dinner: 5:30 PM to 7:00 PM

Surrey Welcome Hub is accessible from Binney Lane through the wooden gate.

Community Meal Photo 1
Community Meal Photo 2
Community Meal Photo 3
Community Meal Photo 4
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Support the Bridge to Hope

Your generous contribution galvanizes our mission of building a Bridge to Hope. It symbolizes our shared commitment to strengthening our community by offering Shelter, Food, and Casework services to those in need. Together, we can transform the lives of the vulnerable and marginalized members of our community by offering a hand up, not a hand out.

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